5019 W Airport Drive
Kincheloe, MI 49788
Phone: 906-495-5631
Email: admin@chippewacountyedc.com


New Board Appointments

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Chris Olson chrisolson@chippewacountyedc.com (906) 495-5631 The Chippewa County Board of Commissioners during the Regular Session meeting on Thursday, September 12, 2024, appointed Mr. Don McLean and Mr. James Parker to fill vacancies on the Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors.  Mr. McLean and Mr. Parker will replace both Jim Moore and Jim Quinnell who both resigned in August. Quinnell, a long standing EDC Board member, served for over 30 years. Moore began his board appointment in 2013. During the August 15 Regular Chippewa County Board of Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Traynor stated that… Read More »