5019 W Airport Drive
Kincheloe, MI 49788
Phone: 906-495-5631
Email: admin@chippewacountyedc.com


YouLaunch entrepreneurial learning

(Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario) – January 12, 2016:  Entrepreneurial spirit was in full force at St. Francis French Immersion Catholic School last week, where YouLaunch kicked off 2016 with the first Market Your Thoughts workshop in Sault Ste. Marie. Forty grade 7-8 students learned what it means to be an entrepreneur and how great ideas can come to life.  Students were asked to illustrate what an entrepreneur looks like and were left with the challenge to create a business plan for an idea that would make Sault Ste. Marie a better place. St. Francis French Immersion teacher Micaela Mansfield provided… Read More »

Keith Creagh to head Michigan DEQ

Effective Monday, Natural Resources Director Keith Creagh will have led all three of the state’s resource-based departments as he takes over as interim director of the Department of Environmental Quality. Governor Rick Snyder announced Mr. Creagh’s appointment, and named DNR Deputy Director Bill Moritz as interim director in that department, on Wednesday as the administration works to fill the gap left by the resignation Tuesday of Environmental Qu…ality Director Dan Wyant. Snyder spokesperson Dave Murray said it was not yet clear what efforts would be undertaken to name a permanent director for the DEQ. “This has all happened very quickly,”… Read More »

State Slowly Growing, Could Lose Congressional Seat

US Census Bureau Report: Michigan’s population grew slightly from 2014 to 2015, helped by births and immigration, but the rate of growth is slow enough that the state could lose another congressional seat, figures released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau showed. In fact, Kurt Metzger, founder of Data Driven Detroit and mayor of Pleasant Ridge, said it is clear that Michigan will lose another U.S. House member following the 2020 census and there is nothing the state can do to stop it. Mr. Metzger said there is also some troubling data in the latest report, as it shows the… Read More »