5019 W Airport Drive
Kincheloe, MI 49788
Phone: 906-495-5631
Email: admin@chippewacountyedc.com

PUBLIC NOTICE: The Chippewa County EDC intend to apply for an EPA Cleanup Grant. Additional details and the opportunity for public comment will take place during the CCEDC Regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 3:00 PM, located at the General Aviation Building (5019 W Airport Dr, Kincheloe, MI 49788) Board Room on the second floor. A draft of the application will be available for comment.


Manufacturers embracing apprenticeship

While workforce development and attraction requires a range of strategies, West Michigan manufacturers have begun to embrace an apprenticeship model of continuing education to combat the so-called talent gap. Despite flagging enrollment in the years following the recession, apprenticeship programs have gained steam for both employers and workers, many of whom want to retain their positions while learning skills to advance their careers. Read more here.

State jobless rate finally on par with U.S. level

Michigan’s unemployment rate dropped to 5.4% in April to reach a milestone not seen for 15 years and now equal to the nation’s number. It marked the first time the state and national rates stood at the same level since September 2000, an achievement that boosts those who herald Michigan as the nation’s leading comeback state. Even so, Michigan’s economy is yet to recover all the jobs it lost during its lost decade. That remained a sobering footnote to the otherwise upbeat jobs report. As every Michigan worker knows, between 2000 and today, the state endured an economic crisis of… Read More »

Delta to add second Saturday flight

Responding to a steadily growing demand for flights over the past several years, Delta Airlines will now offer fourteen non-stop jet flights per week to Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Delta announced that starting in May they will be offering a second flight on Saturdays from Chippewa County International Airport. Passenger counts have climbed on available flights from Chippewa Count International for years, especially since the advent of Jet service in 2011. The airport saw its second busiest month ever in March and is ahead of last year’s pace for the first quarter. More than 40,000 passengers a year pass through the… Read More »

USDA Announces $30 Million for Michigan Food Entrepreneurs

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that USDA is making $30 million available to farmers, ranchers and food entrepreneurs to develop new product lines. Funding will be made available through USDA’s Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) program. “Farmers and ranchers are creative people who, with a little help, can put that creativity to work and improve the bottom line for their operations,” Vilsack said. “Value-Added Producer Grants enable them to develop new product lines to grow their businesses and expand their contributions to our nation’s economy. This support is especially important for beginning farmers, military veterans engaging in farming and smaller… Read More »