5019 W Airport Drive
Kincheloe, MI 49788
Phone: 906-495-5631
Email: admin@chippewacountyedc.com

PUBLIC NOTICE: The Chippewa County EDC intend to apply for an EPA Cleanup Grant. Additional details and the opportunity for public comment will take place during the CCEDC Regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 3:00 PM, located at the General Aviation Building (5019 W Airport Dr, Kincheloe, MI 49788) Board Room on the second floor. A draft of the application will be available for comment.


Grand Opening of the LSSU Center for Freshwater Research and Education

LSSU hosted the grand opening of the new Richard and Theresa Barch Center for Freshwater Research and Education Facility. The state-of-the-art laboratories for campus constituents to conduct freshwater research, hands-on exhibits for community members to learn ways to protect natural resources, and wall-to-wall windows for uninterrupted views of the St. Marys River. The grand opening tour stops include a cutting-edge mesocosm laboratory, an experimental system in which to perform a broad range of scientific investigation spanning aquaculture to contaminants to invasive species. There also is a Great Lakes Discovery Center, free and open to the public, with real-world interactive displays… Read More »