In collaboration with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), the Michigan Municipal
League Foundation will serve as the Grant Administrator for the Initiative. Final application approval and
funding disbursement will be by and through the Grant Administrator.
Application Instructions for the Pure Michigan Small Business Relief Initiative (PMSBRI)
Before you begin your application please be aware that you will not be able to save your application and
return to it later.
If you have any questions, please contact the MEDC Service Center at (888) 522-0103 (select menu
option 1). Hours are 8am-5pm Mon. – Fri. and closed for lunch 12-1pm. During lunch hours, callers may
leave voicemail. You can also send an email to
The application contains seven sections:
• Business Information
• Business Contact Information
• Business Operations
• Use of Funds
• Eligibility Requirements
• National Objective Qualification
• Application Certification & Submission
The questions that will be on the application are listed below. The application will open at 9:00 am EST
on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. The application will be available at: web link
Grants will be awarded up to $15,000 and the business will identify their total grant request within the
application. Grants may only be used for the following eligible expenses: payroll expenses, rent/
mortgage payments, and utility expenses. Grant funds may be used by the business for eligible
expenses expended between November 18, 2020 and April 30, 2021. Grant funds may not be used for
any eligible expenses that were previously funded or will be funded by another state or federal grant
program, including but not limited to, the Michigan Small Business Relief Program or the Michigan Small
Business Restart Program.
The Grant Administrator will prioritize applications on a “first-in” basis. Applications will be sorted by
timestamp for each Prosperity Region. A business that meets all eligibility requirements may be eligible
to receive funding, to the extent of available funding.
The applicant must meet all Initiative Eligibility Requirements AND meet the National Objective
required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Initiative Eligibility Requirements
The business must:
• Be within one of the following industries:
o Restaurant, bars and other food and beverage service providers
o Travel and tourism destinations including lodging providers
o Live event venues
Pure Michigan Small Business Relief Initiative – Small Business Application
o Movie theatres
o Ice skating rinks
o Indoor water parks
o Bowling centers
o Gyms and fitness center
• Be in compliance with all State and local orders related to COVID-19, including but not limited
to, the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
• Be a for-profit entity
• Have a physical establishment in the Michigan county of application and is NOT a home-based
• Provide goods or services to multiple clients or customers
• Be current (or in an approved payment plan) on all local, state, and federal taxes due through
• Have all active and valid state license(s)/registration(s), if applicable
• Is not an adverse party to litigation involving the State or municipality
• Business or business owner has not filed for bankruptcy in the last 10 years
• Has identified a need for payroll, rent or mortgage payments, and/or utility expenses necessary
to continue / restart business operations relative to the total grant amount requested
• Had annual gross revenues between January 1 to December 31, 2019 greater than $25,000
• Has at least two employees, including the owner(s)
• Has fewer than 50 employees (including full time, part time, and owners on a worldwide basis)
• Does not identify as any of the following ineligible business types: non-profits, franchises, real
estate rentals/sales businesses, home-based businesses with no employees; businesses owned
by persons under the age of 18, liquor stores, weapons/firearms dealers, lobbyist, persons
operating as independent consultants/contractors and providing services to a single entity,
home based businesses that are restricted to patrons below the age of 18, marijuana related
National Objective Qualification
In order to meet the National Objective required by HUD, job loss, job retention, and employee income
information is relevant. There are two steps in the National Objective Qualification process.
The first step is in the application. In the PMSBRI application, the business must certify that at least one
full time job or full time equivalent job will be lost without the assistance provided through this grant,
and that the grant assistance must result in the retention of at least one full time (FT) or full time
equivalent (FTE) job.
On the PMSBRI application, the business will need to be able to answer “yes” to the following two
• Will the business lose at least one full time (FT) or full time equivalent job (FTE) job
without the assistance of the grant?
Pure Michigan Small Business Relief Initiative – Small Business Application
• Will the business retain at least one full time (FT) or full time equivalent job (FTE) as a
result of the grant assistance?
Note the following definitions:
A full-time job (FT) is defined as a position normally paid for 35 or more hours per week.
A full-time equivalent job (FTE) is defined as a combination of positions that work less than 40 hours per
week but together total 40 hours or more per week. In order to convert part time employees to full
time equivalents (FTEs), combine the hours of work of each part time employee per week and divide by
40. The total will indicate the number of FTEs the business has.
To complete the second step in the National Objective Qualification process, applicants will be
contacted by the Grant Administrator to submit additional Low to Moderate income information and
employment verification required by HUD, if their PMSBRI application meets all of the initial screening
Once the application is submitted, the applicant will receive a confirmation email stating the application
has been received.
Tap below to see the full list of application questions and information.
Application Questions & Information