5019 W Airport Drive
Kincheloe, MI 49788
Phone: 906-495-5631
Email: admin@chippewacountyedc.com

Mid-Year Passenger totals at Chippewa County International (CIU) Airport 6% greater than in 2017

Over 20,000 passengers flew to and from Chippewa County International Airport (CIU) through June 2018. This represents an increase of over 6% from 2017 totals to date. Passengers from both the US and Canada continue to utilize CIU for their travel needs. In November 2017, CIU added a flight to Minneapolis St. Paul which has provided passengers with many additional flight options, while continuing daily service to Detroit Metro. If 2018 second half totals remain as strong as the first half all indications are that Chippewa County International could have one of its best years on record. “CIU remains a vital link for passengers travelling to and from our area”, stated EDC President Chris Olson. “These strong passenger totals are indicators of consumer spending which translates into significant economic impacts to the area”. For information regarding flight schedules, visit: Airciu.com and for tickets and pricing Delta.com.

The Chippewa County EDC manages the Chippewa County International Airport. Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation’s mission is to encourage economic growth through strengthening the county’s competitive position and facilitating investments that build capacity, create jobs, generate economic opportunity and improve quality of life.