JULY 21, 2015 – A job-seeker who successfully used the state’s labor exchange system — Pure Michigan Talent Connect — to gain employment is the first recipient of a $5,000 signing bonus under the Michigan Celebrates You campaign.
The campaign promotes use of the www.mitalent.org site by job seekers and employers, increases the number of accounts created, helps job seekers with their searches and recognizes employer-employee matches made via the site.
It gives registered users on Pure Michigan Talent Connect the opportunity to participate in a monthly sweepstakes for the chance to win a $250 gift card. Over the course of six months, 10 awards are presented monthly. Additionally, one lucky participant per month receives a signing bonus of $5,000 upon demonstrating that he or she was hired for a full-time job through a posting on Pure Michigan Talent Connect. The deadline to enter the sweepstakes is July 31.
“Pure Michigan Talent Connect is a great tool for job seekers to search for opportunities in Michigan,” said Stephanie Comai, director of the Michigan Talent Investment Agency. “The website allows employers to directly connect with top talent from across the state.”
Jeff Zapor, of Royal Oak, is this month’s signing bonus winner. He accepted a position as a resource coordinator at Matrix Human Services in Detroit. In addition to his signing bonus, Zapor was recognized by his colleagues during a reception at Matrix Human Services.
“I really love this site, and I recommend it to people and clients I know that are job searching,” Zapor said. “I like that it is local jobs and many employers use it. In fact, my last three jobs have been from postings here. The site is current, user-friendly and always relevant to my employment needs. It is, by far, the best employment website available.”
Matrix Human Services is a Detroit-based nonprofit social service organization offering a range of programs devoted to maintaining and supporting the family unit and improving the quality of life for individuals of all ages.
“Pure Michigan Talent Connect helps us to expand our team and hire quality talent,” said LaTrice Jordan, vice president of marketing and development for Matrix Human Services. “We use it to post our positions and find qualified candidates. By using this resource, we were able to hire a talented individual who has brought value to our team and company.”
To learn more about Pure Michigan Talent Connect and view over 96,000 job opportunities in Michigan visit www.mitalent.org
About The Talent Investment Agency (TIA)
TIA joins the efforts of the Workforce Development Agency and the Unemployment Insurance Agency to integrate new workers into the economy and help those workers that have been in or out of the workforce transition into new jobs. TIA coordinates programs related to job preparedness, career-based education, worker training, employment assistance and unemployment insurance.